Friday, May 10, 2013

Keeping Kentucky Roads Up to Snuff

      On Thursday May 9, 2013, Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear announced the Transportation Cabinet would be awarding contracts worth 64 million dollars. As part of the Spring Asphalt Rehabilitation project, the money will be spread out across 45 counties. Governor Beshear said, “Our highway system supports virtually everything we do in Kentucky in terms of economic development, commerce, jobs, education and recreation.”   He added, “It represents an incalculable investment, and good stewardship requires that we keep it well-maintained.” The $64 million adds to the $27 million that was spent in April when the spring construction season began.
     Kentucky Transportation Secretary Mike Hancock said, “Providing safe and efficient travel routes through the Commonwealth is our main priority.” “Improving and maintaining our roadways through asphalt rehabilitation is just one of the ways we work toward this goal.”
     There are 66 individual contracts for the $64 million to be spent throughout the state as east as Pike County and as far west as Ballard County.
     Unfortunately, Trimble, Carroll, Oldham, and Henry Counties are not on the list to receive funding for road and highway construction at this time. 

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